Jaz Virk

Solicitor, Head of Private Client

Jasjeet (known as Jaz)  qualified as a Solicitor in 2003. She joined BTTJ in our Private Client Department in January 2022, based out of our Coventry & Balsall Common Offices. Jaz became our Head of Department for the Private Client team in January 2023.

Jaz’s work includes assisting clients with Wills including asset protection wills, Probate, and Lasting Powers of Attorney, Court of Protection matters such as Deputyship and Grants all of varying complexities. Of her work she spends the approximate amount of time on each matter – wills  (30%) / LPAs and Deputyship (10%) / Grants of Probate and Letters of administration 50%/ trusts 10%).

Jaz also speaks Punjabi.


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Professional advice can prevent costly delays and unnecessary tax payments when dealing with an estate of a loved one that has passed away

16th October 2023
News Plus

The administration of an estate can be a daunting process, particularly when families are at their most vulnerable and failing to seek legal advice can cause additional distress. Whilst applying for Probate is a process individuals can undertake themselves, it is one which can be complex often resulting in families facing unnecessary delays or inheritance tax bills which, with the help of...