BTTJ joins Charities and Legal Professionals Across the UK to Celebrate Remember A Charity Week
9th September 2024
This September, we are proud to be joining forces with hundreds of charities, professional advisers, and partners across the UK to celebrate Remember A Charity Week.
Jaz Virk, Solicitor and Head of our Private Client team says:
“We’re delighted to be part of this year’s Remember A Charity Week.
We know that leaving a gift in this way can not only be an important way of supporting good causes, but it’s such a rewarding way for our clients to give back.”
Offering generous tax incentives, this form of charitable giving is on the rise, and provides essential funding for vital services across the country – both now and for future generations. In fact, around £3 in every £10 donated to charity comes through gifts in Wills. Within the current economic climate, these donations make a huge difference and really have become crucial for thousands of charities and community organisations. In fact, some of the nation’s most loved charities simply wouldn’t exist without such gifts.
Thanks to the generous acts of everyday people, the UK ‘Willanthropy’ movement continues to grow – with around 100 people a day across the UK now choosing to leave a gift to charity in their Will. By working together with Remember A Charity, BTTJ hopes to inspire even more clients to consider what they wish to be remembered for.
Remember A Charity Week (9-15 September 2024) is an annual celebration of the power and impact of legacy giving. Throughout the week, campaign partners, solicitors, Will-writers, charities and others will be championing the legacy message, encouraging people across the country to help build a brighter future by leaving a gift in their Will.
If you’ve not got round to the important task of making your Will yet, or have an existing Will which needs updating, please contact our friendly Private Client Team, with offices in Coventry, Warwick, Balsall Common & Southam we are happy to assist.