Who are the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers?
17th February 2016
The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) has been fighting for the rights of injured people for over 25 years. A not-for-profit campaign organisation, APIL’s member lawyers are dedicated to changing the law, protecting and enhancing access to justice and improving the services provided for victims of personal injury. APIL has grown over the years to become the leading, most respected organisation in this field, constantly working to promote and develop expertise in the practise of personal injury law, for the benefit of injured people.
Each practitioner member must make a declaration that they practice in the field of personal injury and that their practice in that field is predominantly for the injured or victims of accidents.
APIL members recognise the need to:
· Provide a professional service;
· Keep themselves informed, educated and up to date with current law and procedure;
· Share information with other APIL members;
· Maximise the amount of compensation receivable in the hands of the client;
· Ensure that the client is fully aware of, and fully professionally advised, on all costs issues, including public funding, where available.
· Ensure that clients have the opportunity to receive advice on the investment and/or use of damages
Members of APIL subscribe to a code of conduct and support APIL’s main objectives.
APIL’s objectives are:
· To promote full and just compensation for all types of personal injury
· To promote and develop expertise in the practice of personal injury law
· To promote wider redress for personal injury in the legal system
· To campaign for improvement in personal injury law
· To promote safety and alert the public to hazards wherever they arise
· To promote a communication network for members
The code:
- APIL members will act in the best interests of the client;
- APIL members will provide the client with independent advice;
- APIL members shall behave at all times act in a manner which will uphold the standing and good reputation of claimant personal injury lawyers and APIL;
- No APIL member shall pursue a frivolous claim issue or position; but no APIL member should refrain from taking or pursuing any claim issue or position which is believed to have merit;
- APIL members will proceed expeditiously with all personal injury claims;
- No APIL member shall make excessive or unnecessary monetary charges to the client;
- No APIL member shall personally or through an agent make representations of experience or specialist skills which they do not possess;
- No APIL member shall knowingly make any statement, whether in publicity material to a prospective client, an existing client, or otherwise which may give the client false expectations;
- No APIL member shall undertake false, deceptive or misleading advertising;
- No APIL member shall personally, or through a representative, directly contact a potential client (except through permitted advertising), where there has been no request for such contact (‘cold calling’).